We digitize Ecosystems

Turn your organization into an Ecosystem in which members connect and collaborate, adding value to each one another thereby making the Ecosystem grow


Who Needs an Ecosystem?

Any organization interested in creating a space where its members can interact and collaborate with each other, coexisting and progressing.
Some examples:

Large corporations

Connect all the employees of your company with customers, suppliers and partners creating a space for collaboration through social network, groups, events, chats and videoconferences. All this without venturing out of the Ecosystem,  plus much, much more.


It proactively connects all cooperative members and organizes collaborative groups and projects to energize relationships. It offers profesional training, development and workshops which have all been classified and qualified by the Ecosystem.

Universities and Business Schools

It connects the university community, students, and teachers, with public and private companies through offers and challenges so that students and teachers participate and promote entrepreneurship.

Associations, groups and chambers of commerce

It connects all associates proactively by encouraging networking and entrepreneurship through events, groups and collaborative projects. Display your products and services in the Marketplace. Offer training and workshops.
See Chambers of Commerce


It connects teachers with parents and students and encourages entrepreneurship from the age of 12 so that young people learn to undertake “entrepreneurship.” It makes it easier for parents to hire services and activities and access their children’s academic progress. See Education Centers

Incubators, shuttles, nurseries and entrepreneurship spaces

Promote your organization’s startups and entrepreneurs in the directory and encourage collaboration between them. Publish the catalog of products and services on the marketplace, organize networking events, energize collaboration groups and much more.

How do we help organizations to

energize your Ecosystem?


Adaptable/Bespoke plan

Step by step and with a vocabulary adapted to the organization, we implement all the necessary actions to start up the Ecosystem


Collaborative platform

All modules and tools are designed 100% so that the members of the Ecosystem collaborate in the social network, the marketplace, groups, events, projects, offers or challenges provided within the Ecosystem.


Data and AI

The members of the Ecosystem collaboratively share their data and the Ecosystem is able to utilize this valuable information by demonstrating specific patterns of behavior all thanks to artificial intelligence with machine learning.

Benefits of an Ecosytem

The main ones are

  • 1.

    More clients. The Ecosystem grows faster because user growth attracts more users. This is what is called the network effect.

  • 2.

    Better information. Being an integrated system, the Ecosystem has more and better information in real time. No need to waste time on reports.

  • 3.

    More income. All tools and transactions are monetizable and new revenue models can be designed.

  • 4.

    Better content. Each member of the Ecosystem can contribute content and the burden of developing it is no longer the exclusive responsibility of the leaders.

  • 5.

    Greater loyalty. Members are not only loyal to the organization that leads the Ecosystem. They are loyal to the Ecosystem.


And what does the platform consist of?

100% collaborative tools


Directory of companies

Companies can be registered and the Ecosystem orders them according to the rating they’ve achieved.


Social network

Entrepreneurs can contact each other, schedule meetings, chat, or videoconference.



All companies approved by the Ecosystem may sell their products, services and training.


Groups and events

Entrepreneurs can create groups and events of various types: networking, presentation, fairs, etc.


Offers and Challenges

Module to publish challenges and job offers, purchase and business opportunities. Entrepreneurs can compete for offers and challenges.



The entrepreneur who wishes may publish their projects or participate in projects of other entrepreneurs.



Custom indicators can be created to visualize the evolution of the Ecosystem. Entrepreneurs, sales, projects, events, etc.


Success stories

Each success story generated in the Ecosystem can be published and promoted.


Management tools

We can develop or connect the ERP, CRM, Ecommerce or any open tool associated with the Ecosystem.

We can bespoke your Ecosystem!

Adding the necessary tools or functionalities.

Our plan and our platform is open, flexible and scalable and can be extended as necessary and connect with other systems depending on the needs of your organization.

SVG Illustration
We define different:

4 are our core values ​​that make the difference.


100 % online

In the future most all work will be done online. Professionals have to adapt to these new open, global and collaborative work contexts. Our plan and our platform is 100% adaptable to new contexts.


100% collaborative

Our platform encourages the collaboration of companies, clients, suppliers, institutions, entrepreneurs, educational community, mentors, investors, institutions and other possible associate members to enhance synergies and generate value, making the “whole” much higher than the sum of “the parts “


100% scalable

We can evolve the Ecosystem based on its demand, activating the functionalities that already exist or developing new ones.


100% Aligned

Human team with extensive accumulated experience of more than 25 years in the creation of value for companies, fully aligned in the start-up arena, accompaniment and dynamization of ecosystems to reach their full potential!

The future is Ecosystems

Recent studies by top-level consultancies and entities such as Mckinsey, Accenture, PWC, EY or Harvard recommend that organizations evolve towards the Ecosystem model

  • 7 of the 10 largest companies in the world by market capitalization apply it
  • The key to success is collaboration and joint innovation, just as much as a great leader
  • Ecosystems are the evolution of platforms


1. Send a mail to hola@digitaleocosystemslab.com

The more information you give us, the more productive the meeting we have will be in which we present you the platform to manage your Ecosystem adapted to your needs

2. Meeting to present the platform and receive your feedback

We present the platform to you and collect all your comments to then demonstrate a relevant prototype that adapts to the needs of your Ecosystem

3. Presentation of the project

We show you the final project and a breakdown of the plan with each of the stages